Public Relations International Protocol and Events



The Public Relations International Protocol and Events program is a specialized training focusing on equipping professionals with the necessary skills and knowledge to navigate diplomatic and cultural protocols in international settings. Through hands-on exercises and case studies, individuals develop proficiency in planning, executing, and managing international events while fostering positive relationships across diverse cultural contexts.

Program Objectives:

At the end of this program the participants will be able to:

  • Explain how to behave correctly in both business and social situations
  • Describe how to interact and communicate effectively with different types of guests
  • Demonstrate appropriate personal and professional conduct
  • Plan VIP visits and formal occasions while executing the role of the ideal host
  • Apply proper communication etiquette
  • Implement different variations in protocol and etiquette from different cultures, nations, and regions

Targeted Audience:

  • Personnel officers
  • Public relations professionals
  • Events organizers
  • Personal assistants
  • Employees in the hospitality business and all those whose position requires dealing and interacting with important persons in both government and private sectors.

Program Outlines:

Unit 1:

Exploring Public Relations: Roles, Ethics, and Law:

  • Shaping the Overall Impression
  • Reflecting the Image
  • Navigating Perception and Response
  • Ethical Standards and Moral Behavior
  • Legal Frameworks: Charter of Practice and IPR
  • Contractual and Copyright Issues

Unit 2:

Global Media Engagement and PR Sources:

  • Consulting Firms and Media Organizations
  • Considerations for Hiring an International Consulting Firm
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Consulting Firms
  • Public Perception and Leadership Communication
  • Leveraging Media Coverage Opportunities
  • Utilizing UNITEL and World News Service (UNS)

Unit 3:

Six Points Created by (Frank J fkins) To Plan a Public Relations Program:

  • Evaluate the situation.
  • determining the goal.
  • Select the audience.
  • Choice of means.
  • Program Evaluation.
  • Budgets.

Unit 4:

 Public Relations, Crisis Management, and Rules of Protocol:

  • Understanding Crisis Management
  • Adaptation Strategies during Crisis
  • Evaluation, Planning, and Team Dynamics
  • Human Nature and Needs
  • Reception Skills and VIP Etiquette
  • Managing VIP Visits and International PR

Unit 5:

Information Technology and Performance Improvement:

  • Information Network (Local International) Opportunities and Risks.
  • Email and how to deal with it.
  • The art of designing and preparing media materials.
  • Designing public relations pages on international information networks.
  • The art of public opinion and media by email.
  • Preparation of databases on international public relations.

Course ID

Course Duration

Course start time

Course end time