In this course you will learn about effective policies, organizing your business, investigating the loss, risk assessment, and risk management. It’s a practical training course, which illustrates common sense approaches to managing this vital function within a business. Find out how to deal with machinery safety, hazardous chemicals, noise, electricity, fire, and radiation, and put effective safety management at your fingertips.
The National Examination Board in Occupational Safety and Health (NEBOSH) is the leading UK examination authority in this field.
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course the participants will be able to:
- How to effectively manage health and safety
- How to identify and control common workplace hazards
- How to measure if you’ve been successful
- Relevant key international standards
- Investigate accidents and recommend preventative measures
- Explain human and organizational influences on health and safety
Targeted Audience:
- Managers
- Supervisors
- Team Leaders
- Project Managers
- All who have health and safety management responsibilities and
- Perfect for those embarking on a health and safety career
Course Outlines:
Unit 1: Why We Should Manage Workplace Health and Safety
- Welcome introduction
- Introduction to health & safety / key terms
- The moral, financial, and legal reasons for managing health and safety in the workplace
- Explain how health and safety are regulated and the consequences of non-compliance
- Summarise the main health and safety duties of different groups of people at work
- Explain how contractors should be selected, monitored, and managed
Unit 2: How Health and Safety Management Systems Work and What They Look LikeDefining ‘Volatility’ in the VUCA framework
- Safety management systems –What they are and the benefits they bring
- What does a good health and safety management system look like?
- Plan – do – check – act
- Responsibilities
- Practical arrangements
Unit 3: Managing Risk – Understanding People and Processes
- Health and safety culture
- Improving health and safety culture
- How human factors influence behavior positively or negatively
- Assessing risk
- Management of change
- Safe systems of work for general work activities
- Permit-to-work systems
- Emergency procedures
Unit 4: Health and Safety Monitoring and Measuring
- Active and reactive monitoring
- Investigating incidents
- Health and safety auditing
- Review of health and safety performance
Unit 5: Physical and Psychological Health
- Noise
- Vibration
- Radiation
- Mental ill-health
- Violence at work
- Substance abuse at work
Unit 6: Musculoskeletal Health
- Work-related upper limb disorders
- Manual handling
- Load-handling equipment
Unit 7: Chemical and Biological Agents
- Hazardous substances
- Assessment of health risks
- Occupational exposure limits
- Control measures
- Specific agents
Unit 8: General Workplace Issues
- Health, welfare and work environment
- Working at height
- Safe working in confined spaces
- Lone working
- Slips and trips
- Safe movement of people and vehicles in the workplace
- Work-related driving
Unit 9: Work Equipment
- General requirements
- Hand-held tools
- Machinery hazards
- Control measures for machinery
Unit 10: Fire
- Fire principles
- Preventing fire and fire spread
- Fire alarms and fire-fighting
- Fire evacuation
Unit 11: Electricity
- Hazards and risks
- Control measures