

This training program provides foundational knowledge and skills essential for implementing Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) principles in food safety management. Through this program, individuals gain a fundamental understanding of HACCP principles and their application in various food processing and handling environments.

Program Objectives:

At the end of this program, participants will be able to:

  • Establish a proficient HACCP team capable of developing and implementing an effective HACCP system within their organization.
  • Conduct hazard analyses to identify preventive measures necessary for risk reduction to acceptable levels.
  • Categorize Operational Prerequisite Programs (OPRPs) and Critical Control Points (CCPs) effectively.
  • Develop and deploy monitoring systems to control and enhance the food safety management system.
  • Evaluate and enhance logistics in alignment with legislative requirements and international food safety standards.

Targeted Audience:

  • Quality Control personnel in food premises and food processing facilities.
  • Hygiene inspectors acting on behalf of official Public Health Authorities, involved in the inspection of food premises and in the implementation and monitoring of food safety legislation.
  • Food Safety Consultants.
  • Food technologists and scientists who want to enrich their scientific knowledge.
  • Potential food professionals and scientists who want to gain knowledge that will bring new job opportunities.

Program Outlines:

Unit 1:

Introduction to and Basic Definitions of Food Safety Management Systems:

  • Introduction to the ISO 22000:2005 Food Safety management system.
  • The evolution of ISO 22000:2005 through the HACCP and Codex Alimentarius correlation and principles.
  • Guidelines and Regulations regarding food safety.
  • Glossary used in Food Safety.
  • Identification of CCPs (Critical Control Points) and CLs (Control Limits).

Unit 2:

Review of ISO 22000 Main Chapters:

  • Food safety management system.
  • Management responsibility.
  • Resource management.
  • Planning and realization of safe products.
  • Validation, verification, and improvement of the food safety management system.

Unit 3:

Documentation Requirements for ISO 22000, Management Review, Human Resources:

  • Detailed reference to documents with specific examples on the design and use of forms.
  • The purpose of management reviews.
  • Detailed reference to management review inputs and outputs.
  • Human resources: Competence, awareness, and training.
  • Work environment.

Unit 4:

Planning and Realization of Safe Products:

  • PRPs (prerequisite programs).
  • Preliminary steps to enable hazard analysis: Food safety team, Flow diagrams, process steps, and control measures
  • Hazard analysis.
  • Establishing the operational PRPs and the HACCP plan (CCPs and CLs) – Group exercise on the development of a HACCP plan in the context of attendees’ own organizations.
  • Verification planning / Traceability system.
  • Control of nonconformity: Corrective actions, Withdrawals.

Unit 5:

Validation, Verification, and Improvement of the Food Safety Management System:

  • Validation of control measures.
  • Control of monitoring and measuring.
  • Food safety management system verification.
  • Internal audits in the context of ISO 22000 – team exercise on an internal audit.
  • Improvement: The need for Continual improvement, Updating the food safety management system.

Course ID

Course Duration



Course start time

Course end time